Serpent's tail acquires the UK rights of 'Confrontaties' by Simone Atangana Bekono

14 maart, 2022 - /international/news/3797/serpent-s-tail-acquires-the-uk-rights-of-confrontaties-by-simone-atangana-bekono.html

On The Bookseller: Confrontations is a bold and unsettling story about race, belonging and the legacies of violence.  Salomé Atabong arrives at a juvenile detention centre to start a six-month sentence for an act of vengeance after years of racist bullying. Instead of the simplistic contrition she is expected to feel by the counsellors, Salomé arrives at her own complex understanding of remorse, rehabilitation and dignity. The debut novel by Atangana Bekono was translated...

USA rights 'Confrontations' by Simone Atangana Bekono sold to Bloomsbury in a pre-empt!

23 maart, 2022 - /international/news/3819/usa-rights-confrontations-by-simone-atangana-bekono-sold-to-bloomsbury-in-a-pre-empt.html

Salomé Atabong, daughter of a Cameroonian father and a Dutch mother, arrives at a juvenile detention centre to start a six-month sentence for an as-yet-unspecified violent crime. Her thoughts, memories, interactions with fellow detainees and reluctant therapy sessions gradually reveal the confusion, anger and sorrow that swirl within her, fed not just by the casual and sometimes aggressive racism of her provincial hometown, but also by the tug of contending family influences. Previously U...

Published today by Bloomsbury: 'Confrontations', the US edition of the successful debut novel by Simone Atangana Bekono

30 januari, 2024 - /international/news/5009/published-today-by-bloomsbury-confrontations-the-us-edition-of-the-successful-debut-novel-by-simone-atangana-bekono.html

Salomé Atabong is the sixteen-year-old daughter of a Cameroonian father and a Dutch mother, living in the Netherlands. She arrives at a juvenile detention center to start a six-month sentence for a violent crime, which she did commit but does not regret. Expected to visit with a racist psychologist and perform her apologies, Salomé refuses to atone. But even if Salomé could get home, it would be no refuge: her father has recently been diagnosed with liver cancer, and her elder sister Miriam'...

Confrontaties - Simone Atangana Bekono

17 september, 2020 - /boek/265/simone-atangana-bekono-confrontaties.html

Winnaar van de Anton Wachterprijs 2022 voor het beste literaire debuut Winnaar van het Beste Boek voor Jongeren 2021 Winnaar van de Hebban Debuutprijs 2021 Shortlisted voor de Libris Literatuurprijs 2021 & de Bronzen Uil 2021 De zestienjarige Salomé Atabong zit vast in een jeugddetentiecentrum, omdat ze op een middag twee schoolgenoten ernstig heeft mishandeld. Ze probeert haar hoofd koel te houden tussen de andere meiden, irritante psychologen en treiterende begeleiders. Over een maand ma...

Twee Lebowskititels op de shortlist van de Anton Wachterprijs 2022

26 april, 2022 - /nieuws/3877/twee-lebowskititels-op-de-shortlist-van-de-anton-wachterprijs-2022.html

De Anton Wachterprijs is een tweejaarlijkse prijs voor een Nederlandstalig prozadebuut. Tussen de genomineerden van 2022 staan twee Lebowskititels: Confrontaties  van Simone Atangana Bekono en Was  van Jilt Jorritsma. De winnaar wordt 25 juni bekendgemaakt. ...

Cover reveal day: the US and UK edition of 'Confrontaties' will be published in January 2024

3 augustus, 2023 - /international/news/4746/cover-reveal-day-the-us-and-uk-edition-of-confrontaties-will-be-published-in-january-2024.html

Salomé was bullied for years and no one did a single thing to help her. One day she finally snapped. Now at just sixteen years old, she's being held in a secure unit for young offenders Salomé's counsellor, the man whose good opinion is key to her release, is best known for his racist gaffes on reality TV. Her father has recently been diagnosed with liver cancer and her elder sister Miriam's main preoccupation is to get out of their small, close-minded village as soon as possible. Both at hom...

Wintertuin Uitgeverij en Lebowski Publishers presenteren heruitgave van 'hoe de eerste vonken zichtbaar waren'

16 november, 2017 - /nieuws/1737/wintertuin-uitgeverij-en-lebowski-publishers-presenteren-heruitgave-van-hoe-de-eerste-vonken-zichtbaar-waren.html

In hoe de eerste vonken zichtbaar waren nodigt Simone de lezer uit te reflecteren op haar inlevingsvermogen, en maakt ze de noodzaak je te verbinden persoonlijker en aanweziger dan ooit. Erik Jan Harmens beschreef haar gedichten en verhalen over identiteit, onthechting en de mythe van goed en kwaad als “persoonlijk en strijdvaardig” en Maarten van der Graaff noemde haar werk “lichamelijk, grappig, analytisch en emotioneel.” De bundel wordt op 24 november gepresenteerd tijdens het Win...

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